Antibiotic impregnated cement coated intramedullary nail (ACCIN) using bronchoscopy tubing: technical tips, case series and a review of the literature

Open fractures of the tibia can sometimes lead to bone infection, called osteomyelitis.  This is difficult to treat, as the fracture will not heal without getting rid of the infection, but also needs to be stable.  If the fracture does not heal, this is called delayed union or 'non-union'.  

Antibiotic-impregnated cement wrapped around a titanium rod has been shown to be a good way to help eradicate infection and allow stability of the fracture.  Dr Graff and her team developed a novel technique using tubing usually used for lungs to prepare the antibiotic-impregnated cement rod, and published it as a surgical technique for other surgeons to use.  In her paper, she has presented examples of her patients successfully treated with her new technique.